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Forestry & Logging

News on forestry and logging in Russia.

Rosleskhoz approved 27 investment projects on timber industry development in 2023

February 8, 2024 ` 16:53  
In 2023, The Federal Forestry Agency (Rosleskhoz) approved 27 investment projects on timber industry development (reviewing 15 new applications and endorsing amendments in 12 more projects). These investment projects are aimed at creating new timber processing facilities and...

Forest area and the number of Chain of Custody enterprises certified by the “Forest Etalon” system have doubled since last year 

January 23, 2024 ` 19:28  
The voluntary forest certification system “Forest Etalon” was consistently expanding in 2023: 506 certificates were issued as of December 2023 (440 Chain of Custody and 66 Forest Management Certificates). 8.58 million ha of forest was certified by the...

Russia may increase the number of border security checkpoints for transporting roundwood from Belarus

January 16, 2024 ` 19:09  
Moscow sees no reason not to increase the number of checkpoints equipped for roundwood export from Belarus across the Russian territory; it only requires the corresponding infrastructure. This was announced by Alexey Overchuk, Deputy Prime Minister of the...

Rates of timber harvest decline relative to 2022 are decelerating

January 15, 2024 ` 21:14  
After 9 months of 2023, the difference was -6% (-5% for softwood and -7% for hardwood harvesting), but after 10 months of 2023, the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) has recorded a difference of -4% (-4% for softwood...

Russian roundwood price growth accelerated in November

December 27, 2023 ` 18:58  
The WhatWood agency was regularly receiving reports about the growing pricing activity in the roundwood market throughout November. Traders from the Volga and Central Federal Districts do not think this price change is an upward trend. This is...

Rosleskhoz approved an investment project implementation request from the Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill

December 7, 2023 ` 23:12  
The company is planning to increase its wood pulp output. Forest areas with an allowable annual cut of over 0.5 million m³ will be provided to the Mill for project implementation. Over 10 months of 2023, the committee...

Rosleskhoz: a forest area lease contract may be terminated prematurely through a court ruling

October 3, 2023 ` 18:07  
Elena Borodavkina, Head of Legal Support and Forest Use Administration at the Federal Forestry Agency (Rosleskhoz), explained that Federal Law dated 29.12.2022 No. 600-FZ “On introducing changes in the Forest Code of the Russian Federation”, which was adopted...

Sale of Ponsse’s subsidiary in Russia completed

September 20, 2023 ` 20:36  
Ponsse Plc completed the sale of all shares in OOO Ponsse, its subsidiary that provided PONSSE services in Russia and Belarus. After the conditions of the transaction were met, Ponsse’s business operations in Russia transferred to OOO Bison,...