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WhatWood Blog Forestry & Logging Rosleskhoz approved an investment project implementation request from the Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill

Rosleskhoz approved an investment project implementation request from the Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill

7 December 2023 ` 23:12  

The company is planning to increase its wood pulp output. Forest areas with an allowable annual cut of over 0.5 million m³ will be provided to the Mill for project implementation.

Over 10 months of 2023, the committee of the Federal Forestry Agency (Rosleskhoz) reviewed a total of 26 requests, 19 of which were approved, and the other 7, returned for rework. The Agency is planning to provide forest areas with an annual timber harvest of around 23.2 million m³ for the implementation of the 19 approved investment projects.

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