Russian Timber Journal 08-2024: Interview with Alexey Lyapunov, Head of Export Sales to Africa at Sveza; Sawlogs preservation experience of timber harvesting companies — analytical paper; European Union postponed the Deforestation-Free Regulation (EUDR) by one year; European Union launches anti-dumping investigation into Chinese plywood imports; Plywood production in Russia increased by 4.6% in January – September 2024; Over 9 months of 2024, furniture production in the Northwestern Federal District increased by 23% in monetary terms; Russian pellets will start supplying to China; Segezha Group intends to raise up to 101 billion rubles during the planned additional share issue
November 25, 2024 ` 11:41
Russian Timber Journal 08-2024: Alexey Lyapunov, Head of Export Sales to Africa at Sveza: “Timber companies need reliable payment channels to enter new markets successfully”; Sawlogs preservation experience of timber harvesting companies — this material was prepared by WhatWood analysts...

Russian Forest Industry Review in 2022-2023: a quarterly analytical review
April 13, 2023 ` 12:38
Analysts from the WhatWood agency prepared the quarterly analytical Russian Forest Industry Review in 2022-2023. This is a completely new product that includes a detailed analysis of the condition of Russian timber industry segments and its key trends....

Russian Timber Journal 03-2023: interview with Pavel Kunin, Commercial Director at Doza-Gran; Russia exports almost no unprocessed timber; list of assignments given by the President of the Russian Federation as a follow-up to a meeting on the development of the Russian timber industry; China plans to increase plywood production capacity in 2023; Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia suggests increasing the import duty on European furniture to 50%; owner of Leroy Merlin will hand over its Russian business to the management team; Governmental commission approved the sale of a share in Ilim by International Paper; large timber enterprises of the Tomsk Region are suspending production; Russian plywood output rose in February; Segezha Group sold its European assets that produce paper packaging; in 2022, the Russian export of wood and articles of wood dropped by almost one-fourth
April 10, 2023 ` 10:32
Russian Timber Journal 03-2023: Pavel Kunin, Commercial Director at Doza-Gran: “From the financial and time perspective, a wood pellet line is the most lucrative kind of investment associated with recycling sawmilling waste”; in 2022, the volume of roundwood export...

Russian Timber Journal 05-2021: Interview with Vadim Vodolazko, General Director of Schmidt & Olofson; The European Commission introduces temporary anti-dumping measures against the import of birch plywood from Russia; Russian Government introduces duties on the export of timber with a moisture content of over 22%; Smurfit Kappa to invest over 1 billion rubles to expand its production in the Leningrad region; Segezha Group and the Republic of Karelia confirm intention to construct a pulp and paper industrial complex
June 14, 2021 ` 21:06
Russian Timber Journal 05-2021: Vadim Vodolazko, General Director of Schmidt & Olofson: “According to our estimates, 10-15% of harvested timber is lost en route from the forest log depot to the mill log yard”; information on preliminary anti-dumping duties...

WhatWood study: Kronospan launched Russia’s fourth OSB production
October 28, 2014 ` 05:27
Kronospan holding has launched Russia’s fourth OSB mill in in Egorievsk, Moscow region (after Hillman, Novovyatsky LK and DOK Kalevala) with a capacity of 350,000 m3, this is stated in the updated study by WhatWood agency “OSB market...

Base prices for Russian softwood timber in Europe in 2013
March 2, 2014 ` 18:10
Exports of softwood timber from Russia to Europe amounted to 4.36 million m3 in 2013. The countries of Baltic region and North Sea constitute the major market there, the largest importers being Finland, Germany, Estonia, France, UK, and...

Global Wood, Timber and Pulp & Paper Conferences 2014
January 20, 2014 ` 16:08
Click on the image to enlarge it: This infographics presents industry conferences known to WhatWood which seem to be the most valuable for businesses dealing with the Russian timber & PPI market. These events are held mostly apart...

Lumber prices in China
November 14, 2013 ` 17:07
The value of imports of softwood lumber to China in January-September 2013 increased by 25.9% year-on-year to reach $2.64 billion. After the slowdown in 2012, the rise of the housing market in the country triggered a boom for...

Log prices in Finland
August 2, 2013 ` 06:28
Apart from well-developed own logging, Finland also delivers wood from neighbouring countries like Russia, Estonia, Sweden, Latvia and Lithuania. They mainly supply hardwood pulplogs and plylogs for the Finnish pulp & paper and panel industry in addition to...

Wooden housing construction in Russia in 2012
July 24, 2013 ` 22:38
For the second year in a row, WhatWood has made infographics based on the Wood Housing Association report on the housing market in Russia. More details are published in the recent WhatWood Weekly issue. Among Russian regions, wooden...

Softwood lumber exports to Egypt
July 18, 2013 ` 17:20
An insight into an important sales market of Russian lumber producers in today’s infographics. More details are published in the recent WhatWood Weekly issue. Russia competes mainly with Sweden and Finland on the Egyptian lumber market. Recently, due...

Russian pellets on the global market
June 26, 2013 ` 20:35
New piece of visual graphics tells about sales markets for Russian pellets. Detailed review of export and comparative import prices for pellets from different countries on key markets for Russia is presented in #74 WhatWood Weekly issue. In...