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Tag: production

Russian furniture producers faced a growth of component prices

23 July 2024 ` 10:32  
Domestic producers have faced a considerable growth of component prices for furniture production. This problem was discussed by participants of the V All-Russian Conference of Furniture Producers. The event was organized by the Association of Furniture and Woodworking...

Production of paper and paper goods is growing in Moscow

20 May 2024 ` 23:55  
In January 2024, the production of paper and paper goods in the capital surged by 45.3% YoY, as reported by the Information Center of the Moscow Government referencing Vladimir Yefimov, Deputy Mayor for Economic Policy and Property &...

Furniture producers from the Kaliningrad Region are requesting to impose a bankruptcy moratorium

26 March 2024 ` 17:09  
The Association of Kaliningrad Furniture Producers filed a request to Anton Alikhanov, Governor of the Kaliningrad Region, to impose a region-wide 1-year moratorium on initiating bankruptcy cases in relation to debtors from the furniture industry. Industry representatives note...

Russian plywood production increased by one-fourth in January 2024

15 March 2024 ` 19:45  
According to the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), the Russian plywood production surged by 25% YoY in January 2024, up to 254,000 m³. Such a high growth rate was caused by extremely poor performance in January 2023 (203,000...

Russian producers continue to report consistently high MDF/HDF sales

23 January 2024 ` 19:26  
As of late December 2023, WhatWood estimates the Russian output of MDF/HDF and fiberboard in 2023 at 3.8 million m³ (+7% YoY), as reported in the monthly price review Market of Wood-Based Panels in Russia. This performance will...

Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia: furniture production in Russia surged by 33% in 2023, up to 66.7 million pieces

22 January 2024 ` 22:47  
Production of kitchen furniture (tables, cabinets, etc.) soared the most—by 81%. The output increased by 23% YoY in monetary terms, up to 438 billion rubles (it was 356 billion rubles in 2022). Furniture prices in the domestic market...

Komi started producing laminated MDF

22 January 2024 ` 22:41  
A medium-density fiberboard plant in Zheshart, Komi, started producing laminated MDF. This is a new product and a new finishing material for the region as a whole. According to Vladimir Pelevin, Production Site Manager at Zheshart PBL, the...

Particleboard producers are trying to load their laminating facilities as much as possible

18 January 2024 ` 23:24  
As of late December 2023, WhatWood estimates the 2023 particleboard output in Russia (including laminated particleboard) at 7.7 million m³ (+15 YoY). The annual utilization of production facilities was 86% (not counting non-operational facilities) compared to 74% in...

Half of wood pellets produced in Russia remains in the domestic market

16 January 2024 ` 19:15  
According to WhatWood estimates, the wood pellet output in Russia was around 185,000 t in November 2023 and 1.7 million t over 11 months of 2023. The total 2023 wood pellet output in Russia will stay at the...

Russian furniture output surged

5 December 2023 ` 19:31  
In January—September 2023, the Russian furniture output surged by 27.3% YoY, reaching 46.7 million pieces, as reported by Rossiyskaya Gazeta referencing the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia. In September 2023, the furniture output increased by...

In January-October 2023, sawn timber production in Russia decreased by 5%

1 December 2023 ` 19:20  
The volume of Russian sawn timber production in January-October 2023 decreased by 5% YoY, to 24.3 million m³, according to Rosstat. At the same time, the output of sawn timber in October 2023 increased by 6.6% compared to October...

Production of Russian plywood increased in October 2023

1 December 2023 ` 19:07  
The production of Russian plywood in October 2023 increased by 7.3% compared to the previous month, according to Rosstat. This figure is even more impressive compared to October 2022: +16.5%. However, in January-October 2023, plywood output is still...