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Russian furniture producers faced a growth of component prices

July 23, 2024 ` 10:32  
Domestic producers have faced a considerable growth of component prices for furniture production. This problem was discussed by participants of the V All-Russian Conference of Furniture Producers. The event was organized by the Association of Furniture and Woodworking...

Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia: in Q1 2024, furniture production grew considerably

June 21, 2024 ` 18:58  
According to a quick-look estimate by the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia, the Russian furniture production volume increased in both monetary and physical terms in Q1 2024: by 24% YoY and 27% YoY, respectively. 17.6...

In 2023, investment in the Russian timber industry dropped by 4.8%, down to 188.8 billion rubles

April 18, 2024 ` 18:59  
The value of investments in the Russian timber industry reduced by 4.8% in 2023 compared to the record-setting performance of 2022; it amounted to 188.8 billion rubles, which is comparable to the 2021 level, according to Roslesinforg. Over...

Furniture producers from the Kaliningrad Region are requesting to impose a bankruptcy moratorium

March 26, 2024 ` 17:09  
The Association of Kaliningrad Furniture Producers filed a request to Anton Alikhanov, Governor of the Kaliningrad Region, to impose a region-wide 1-year moratorium on initiating bankruptcy cases in relation to debtors from the furniture industry. Industry representatives note...

Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia: furniture production in Russia surged by 33% in 2023, up to 66.7 million pieces

January 22, 2024 ` 22:47  
Production of kitchen furniture (tables, cabinets, etc.) soared the most—by 81%. The output increased by 23% YoY in monetary terms, up to 438 billion rubles (it was 356 billion rubles in 2022). Furniture prices in the domestic market...

In 2024, Askona is planning to open up to five new hypermarkets

January 18, 2024 ` 23:29  
Askona Group is planning to open three to five new hypermarkets in 2024, as Alexander Manenok, Group CEO, shared in an interview with TASS. In summer 2023, the company opened its first hypermarket in Moscow called Askona Home....

Demand for furniture boards exceeded the supply in October

December 18, 2023 ` 20:26  
In October 2023, a regular high furniture season came, which coincided with the relatively high demand for furniture boards that had persevered throughout the summer. However, if the demand matched the supply of boards in summer, now the...