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Tag: Russia

In Q1 2024, the roundwood export from Russia grew by 14.6%

24 June 2024 ` 14:43  
According to Roslesinforg, the volume of roundwood export from Russia surged by 14.6% YoY in Q1 2024, up to 673,000 m³ (in Q1 2023, it was 587,000 m³). China accounted for the greatest share of export (85.5%): it...

Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia: in Q1 2024, furniture production grew considerably

21 June 2024 ` 18:58  
According to a quick-look estimate by the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia, the Russian furniture production volume increased in both monetary and physical terms in Q1 2024: by 24% YoY and 27% YoY, respectively. 17.6...

Japan imposes a ban on exports of woodworking equipment to Russia

16 April 2024 ` 15:36  
Japan has imposed additional sanctions on Russia, prohibiting the export of 164 types of goods, according to the Ministry of Economy. The list includes woodworking equipment.

Russia may increase the number of border security checkpoints for transporting roundwood from Belarus

16 January 2024 ` 19:09  
Moscow sees no reason not to increase the number of checkpoints equipped for roundwood export from Belarus across the Russian territory; it only requires the corresponding infrastructure. This was announced by Alexey Overchuk, Deputy Prime Minister of the...

Russian plywood output increased in June 2023

16 August 2023 ` 16:21  
The Russian plywood output volume reduced by 16.4% in H1 2023, down to 1.585 million m³, as reported by the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat). It should be noted, however, that in June 2023, the plywood output grew...

In April 2023, Russian pellet production remained at the level of the previous month

1 June 2023 ` 16:02  
According to Rosstat, the volume of wood pellets production in Russia in April 2023 remained approximately at the level of March 2023, decreasing by 0.8% (-41% YoY). In January-April Russia produced 431,000 tons of pellets, which is 46.7%...

In January-April 2023, Russian sawn timber production decreased by 11,2%

1 June 2023 ` 15:16  
Production of Russian sawn timber in January-April 2023 decreased by 11.2% YoY to 9.2 million m³, according to Rosstat. Production in April 2023 also decreased: – 9,1% YoY (-5,5 MoM).

Russian plywood production decreased in April 2023

1 June 2023 ` 15:03  
According to Rosstat, in April 2023 the production of plywood in Russia decreased by 9% YoY (-3.4% MoM). In January-April 2023 a total of 1.019 million m³ of plywood was produced in the country, which is 24.1% less...

After three months of decline, the output of plywood in Russia grows for the second month in a row

26 May 2023 ` 12:44  
Russian plywood mills reduced their outputs by 28.6% YoY to 738,000 m³ in Q1 2023, as follows from the published data of Rosstat. The output of plywood also declined significantly in March 2023 compared to the same period...

Production of toilet paper reached a historic high in Russia in 2022

3 May 2023 ` 19:43  
Toilet paper production reached a historic high in Russia, says the Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper referencing data from Roslesinforg. The toilet paper output increased by 21.1% YoY in 2022, up to 6.986 billion rolls.

Russia exports almost no unprocessed timber

12 April 2023 ` 17:28  
In 2022, the volume of roundwood export from Russia dropped by almost 4 times, down to 3.5 million m³. Supplies to China account for 80% of the export volume. Russia has never exported so little unprocessed timber in...

Russian plywood output rose in February

10 April 2023 ` 10:59  
According to the data published by the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), the output of Russian plywood grew by 21% in February 2023 compared to the previous month, reaching 245,000 m³. This is the highest monthly output since...