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Russian Timber Journal 05-2023: interview with Andrey Yudin, Logistics Director of Segezha Group; regional authorities ask to support the Russian timber enterprises due to the persisting tense situation in the industry; the Government of the Russian Federation extended the list of checkpoints along the land border with Kazakhstan authorised to process exports of timber products; Ilim Group became the largest timber harvesting enterprise in Russia in 2022; VLP Group to invest 2.6 billion rubles in Hasslacherles’ former enterprise; Segezha Group sold its European paper packaging enterprises for €100 million; L-PACK to invest over 10 billion rubles to build a corrugated cardboard plant in the Moscow region
July 7, 2023 ` 12:59
Russian Timber Journal 05-2023: Andrey Yudin, Logistics Director of Segezha Group: “We are witnessing a serious imbalance between the freight traffic flows and the availability of transport means”; the Arkhangelsk Regional Assembly of Deputies (AOSD) held an expanded meeting of...

Sheksna Wood-Based Panels Plant started producing resins for woodworking and furniture enterprises
September 5, 2022 ` 19:17
Sheksna Wood-Based Panels Plant (a joint venture of Group Vologodskiye Lesopromyshlenniki and Cherepovets Plywood and Furniture Mill) has developed two types of resins: melamine urea-formaldehyde adhesive resin (MUF-KS grade) and urea-formaldehyde resin (UF-Zh grade). The products, which have...

Rosleskhoz: FGIS LK introduction schedule for regions to be approved in 2024
September 1, 2022 ` 23:38
Federal Forestry Agency (Rosleskhoz) will elaborate and approve of a schedule for the introduction of FGIS LK (Federal State Information System of the Forest Industry) in 2024, as the press office of the Agency reports. Russian regions will...

U.S. softwood sawn timber prices keep going up in early 2021
March 16, 2021 ` 13:20
In the week ending February 26, 2021, the price of benchmark softwood timber commodity item Western S-P-F KD 2×4 #2&Btr rose another +$28, or +3%, to US$1,040 mfbm, from $1,012 the previous week, said Madison’s Lumber Reporter. Last...

By 2023 Metsä Group will invest about €2 billion in the development of business projects for wood processing
May 3, 2019 ` 16:00
Metsä Group continues to implement its strategy and begins preliminary development of engineering projects related to the construction of a new plant for the production of biological products in Kemi and a new sawmill in Rauma in Finland,...

512.3 million rubles were invested in the development of wood processing in Karelia
March 27, 2019 ` 16:00
The enterprise of NGO “Fintek” is located in p. Pyaozersky and on the territory of Kostomuksha and is engaged in the implementation of a priority investment project in the field of forest development. Since the beginning of implementation,...

Ustyansky LPH will be part of the ULK Group
March 14, 2019 ` 14:00
Ustyansky timber industry would fit in Ustyansky timber industry complex – a decision made by the leadership of GK “ULK”. The logging company will be relocated to the territory of the complex, the corporate press service reported on...

In Selmenga “ULK” to build a boiler for bark and wood waste
March 3, 2019 ` 19:00
In Ustyansky heat energy company (is a part GK “ULK”) begin the design estimates of the construction of a new boiler in Selenge Vinogradivsky district of the Arkhangelsk region, as reported a press-service GK “ULK”. At the moment,...

Kastamonu has presented new samples of products
November 23, 2018 ` 14:01
The 30th anniversary international exhibition “Mebel-2018” is held in Moscow from 19 to 23 November. It is at such events that new trends in furniture fashion and interior design are formed. Here, companies present new products to designers,...

Russian Forest Industry Review 2017-2018
August 27, 2018 ` 22:23
In 2017, the Russian economy came out from a two-year recession. In 2016, the country’s GDP fell by 0.2%, and in 2015, it fell by 2.5% after slowing the growth to 0.7% in 2014. However, this is below...

Export sales of the sawn softwood from Russia increased by 12% in 2017
February 14, 2018 ` 10:21
In 2017, the export of Russian sawn softwood set a new record: 27.9 million m3 (+12.4%, YoY). This is the highest growth rate in the last 12 years. In 2005, export sales increased by 17% (YoY) to 14.78...

In 2017, the wood pellet export from Russia grew by one quarter
February 6, 2018 ` 15:43
In 2017, Russian pellet manufacturers set another record for export sales, selling a total of 1.4 million pellets (+26% as compared to 2016). The export growth was ensured by new enterprises and reaching the production capacities by previously...