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130 clients in 15 countries within 7 years of timber market research


Essity has exited the Russian market

July 19, 2023 ` 11:24  
The hygiene and health company Essity has completed the divestment of its operations in Russia for a purchase price of approximately SEK 1.2 billion on a cash and debt-free basis. Essity has thus exited Russia. Essity began work...

VLP Group acquired Hasslacherles

May 25, 2023 ` 17:57  
Group Vologodskiye Lesopromyshlenniki has closed the deal to acquire Hasslacherles LLC, as reports the press office of the company located in the town of Vologda. The enterprise is located in the Novgorod region and is engaged in the...

IG Bazalt acquired Sortavala Sawmill and Zapkarelles

May 25, 2023 ` 17:52  
Investment Group Bazalt, which owns a pulp mill in the town of Pitkyaranta (RK-Grand LLC), closed a deal to acquire two assets in Karelia – Sortavala Sawmill LLC (a sawn timber enterprise) and Zapkarelles JSC (a timber harvesting...