Tag: veneer

The timber industry complex of the Tomsk region was among the most advanced
25 February 2019 ` 16:00
Deputy Governor for agro-industrial policy and environmental management Andrei Knorr summed up the results of the forest industry in 2018 at the reporting press conference, as reported by the press service of the Department of Forestry of the... 
By 2030, Udmurtia will become a center of deep processing of wood, by this time the volume of sales of unprocessed timber is planned to reduce by more than 90%
4 February 2019 ` 19:00
In the North of Udmurtia will Glazovsky forest cluster. Its creation will help the social and economic development of the Northern regions of the Republic. An additional argument in favor of the formation of the Glazov forest cluster... 
Russian timber industry news #22/23-2016
31 December 2016 ` 22:37
– On December 6, 2016 the Solomenskiy sawmill (Petrozavodsk, Karelia) put into operation a new line of sawmilling. Thus, the plant has completed the next stage of modernization and expansion of production. – Ladozhsky DSK CJSC postponed commissioning... 
Russian timber industry news #7/8-2016
11 May 2016 ` 22:44
– Ilim Group has announced the investment of $2 billion in development of its production facilities in the next five years. The company plans to increase annual output by 500 thousand tonnes during this time. – Chinese Hubei... 
Russian timber industry news #2-2015
10 February 2015 ` 14:03
RusForest announced preliminary 2014 results: sawlog harvesting in Magistralny decreased 10.7% to 278,896 m3, compared with 312,228 m3 in 2013. For large-scale modernization of Arkhangelsk LDK-3, an increase in the allowable cut to 2 million m3 will be... 
Global Trends Review, November 17-30, 2014: North America waits for housing recovery; EU architects presented construction outlook
8 December 2014 ` 19:50
A slower than forecast recovery in the North American housing sector continued to dampen earnings among some of the continent’s largest timber producers, TTJ reported. Weyerhaeuser’s wood products division expected earnings to fall towards the end of the... 
Japanese Sojits Building Materials may participate in BM Sakhalin mill project
10 November 2014 ` 21:38
The Japanese Sojits Building Materials Corporation may become a shareholder of BM Sakhalin, as Interfax – Far East news agency reported with a reference to the BM Sakhalin CEO Konstantin Beznosyuk. BM Sakhalin is now building a large...