US lumber prices decline in early August
August 18, 2022 ` 13:32
Dropping markedly after two weeks flat, for the week ending August 5, 2022 the price of benchmark softwood lumber item Western Spruce-Pine-Fir 2×4 #2&Btr KD (RL) was $610 mfbm, according to Madison’s Lumber Reporter. This is down by...
Sveza’s plywood mills in the Kostroma Region invested in production facilities over 125 million rubles in 1H 2022
August 9, 2022 ` 18:03
The mill in Manturovo has started up a new automated cutting line for making non-standard plywood sizes. The new line has high energy conservation and energy efficiency performance. The total cost of the project is 43 million rubles....
Alexey Mordashov declared that timber industry output plummeted by 80%
August 1, 2022 ` 18:45
At St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF 2022), Alexey Mordashov, owner of Severgroup that owns Sveza Group, reported a sharp decline of output in his timber business. “Our output volume has taken a nosedive both in the timber...
Russian sawn timber production down 1.9% in 1H 2022
July 28, 2022 ` 12:03
According to Rosstat, sawn timber production in Russia in 1H 2022 decreased by 1.9% YoY to 14.7 million m³. In June 2022 sawn timber production down 9.4% from June 2021.
Plywood production in Russia down 16% in 1H 2022
July 27, 2022 ` 20:59
In 1H 2022, plywood production in Russia decreased by 16% YoY to 1.9 million m³, according to Rosstat. Production declines for the fourth month in a row: in June 2022 it decreased by 1.6% compared to the previous...
Raute’s profitability has been negatively impacted from scaling down the deliveries to Russia during H1 2022
July 26, 2022 ` 14:46
Raute’s net sales volume in Russia in 1H 2022 almost halved to €16.1 million (1H 2021 — €31.6 million). The share of the Russian market in total net sales for the reporting period decreased from 53% to 23%....
Segezha Group will build a multi-storey building from CLT in the Irkutsk Region
July 12, 2022 ` 16:41
VEB.RF, together with Segezha Group, is implementing a project for the construction of a wooden multi-storey residential building in Baikalsk, Irkutsk Region, Interfax reports. The customer is VEB.RF, the design is carried out by Bazis LLC (part of...
In Russia, the widespread introduction of multi-storey wooden housing construction will be ensured
July 12, 2022 ` 12:27
The Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia have approved an Action Plan (roadmap) for the development of wooden housing construction for the period up to 2024. The document provides for the organization of...
Koskisen sells its Russian production facility
July 7, 2022 ` 18:02
Koskisen’s wood processing company has sold its sawing operations located in Russia to Cherepovetsles. Koskisen’s Russian operations were discontinued as planned previously. The Russian business operations made up a small share of Koskisen’s net sales, and the financial...
“Wood-Based Panels Market in Russia” 05-2022: negative export developments continue
June 29, 2022 ` 19:36
In May, the producers’ position was exacerbated by the higher exchange rate of the national currency, in addition to the previous problems with logistics and closure of export markets. Re-orienting to the domestic market while maintaining the current...
Segezha Group announces its unaudited consolidated IFRS financial results and operating results for Q1 2022.
June 27, 2022 ` 18:33
Revenue was up 96% YoY to RUB 35.6 billion, driven by higher sales, higher average selling prices, a positive effect from ruble depreciation and also the effect of consolidation of the assets of Novoeniseisk Wood-Chemical Complex (NLHK) and...
More than 300 million rubles will be invested in a woodworking facility in the Kostroma Region
June 27, 2022 ` 17:57
Forest Group LLC (Galich) will invest more than 330 million rubles in production development. This project was supported by the regional investment board. In May 2022, the company shared its plans of building another administrative and amenity building,...