Tag: United wagon company

Arkhbum LLC received a new batch of Tikhvin flat wagons
9 March 2021 ` 13:27
The Research and Production Corporation “United Wagon Company” PJSC (RPC UWC) delivered a new batch of flat wagons (40 ft) for the transportation of timber products to Arkhbum LLC. The platforms type 13-6852-02 (40 ft) build up a... 
Russian Timber Journal 06-2019: WhatWood interview with President of United Panel Group; downward pricing trend for logs continues; packaging industry: on the way to circular economy; In 2018, China is increasing trade in wood; WhatWood’s statistics of log price index in Russia
9 July 2019 ` 12:14
Russian Timber Journal 06-2019: WhatWood interview with President of United Panel Group; downward pricing trend for logs continues; packaging industry: on the way to circular economy; In 2018, China is increasing trade in wood; WhatWood’s statistics of log...