Tag: PTsBK

Russian Timber Journal №04-2019: In 2018, the world sawn timber trade fell for the first time in five years; analytical study of WhatWood on the market of raw timber in Russia; decline in prices and volumes of trade in sawn timber on world markets; another record of China’s imports of round timber
14 May 2019 ` 14:00
Russian Timber Journal №04-2019: Russian Timber Journal 04-2019: In 2018, the world sawn timber trade fell for the first time in five years; WhatWood’s interview with CEO of RFP Group Dmitry Valtfogel; disbalance between the demand and supply... 
In 2019, the Perm pulp and paper company plans to increase production by 30 %
3 March 2019 ` 16:00
On February 20, 2019, a regular meeting of the company’s management with employees was held, at which the results of 2018 were summed up. The meeting was opened by Alexander Sukhanovsky, General Director of the Perm pulp and... 
Russian timber industry news #22/23-2016
31 December 2016 ` 22:37
– On December 6, 2016 the Solomenskiy sawmill (Petrozavodsk, Karelia) put into operation a new line of sawmilling. Thus, the plant has completed the next stage of modernization and expansion of production. – Ladozhsky DSK CJSC postponed commissioning... 
League of wastepaper processors pushes legislative amendments
7 July 2014 ` 14:57
Director of sales and development of PTsBK group (Perm pulpmill) and president of the League of wastepaper processors Andrey Guryanov took a speech on the activities of the League at the conference “Packaging market of Russia”, held on... 
Perm pulpmill group: Containerboard market in Russia is close to saturation
10 June 2014 ` 02:41
The total output of Russian containerboard in 2013 amounted, according to the Perm pulpmill group (PTsBK), to 3.094 million tonnes (+8.7% on 2012), and the increase is almost entirely provided by recycled grades. The production of virgin-fibre board... 
Perm pulpmill started production of grease-proof cardboard
2 August 2013 ` 06:12
PTsBK Group started production of a grade which does not have analogues on the Russian corrugated packaging market and, according to the company, will become additional growth point for the whole industry. Perm pulpmill produced first test party...