Tag: investment projects

In January – April 2024, Rosleskhoz approved 4 priority investment projects on timber industry development
24 June 2024 ` 14:51
The Federal Forestry Agency (Rosleskhoz) is planning to provide forest areas with an annual timber harvest of about 10 million m³ for the implementation of the approved investment projects. The approved projects are aimed at upgrading of operating... 
The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia added three new investment projects of the Irkutsk Region to the priority list
28 January 2021 ` 17:25
The projects are aimed at increasing the output of sawn timber, furniture boards, moldings, glued products, wood pellets, and process chips. The total value of investments in the new projects is over 2.5 billion rubles. 
Luzales continues implementation of large-scale investment projects
30 July 2020 ` 17:33
The coronavirus situation slowed down some activities but the work at company’s plants never stopped, Valentin Rozhok, Director General at Luzales LLC, reports. “We are continuing construction and startup of new facilities. An area for dry sawn timber... 
Investment projects of Les-Export and Sibirles being Implemented in the Tomsk region are included in the list of priority ones in the forest sector
15 June 2020 ` 12:42
Les-Export company is creating a harvesting infrastructure in Aleksandrovsky and Kargasoksky districts along with the facilities for integrated wood processing in the village of Krasny Yar. The project is expected to be implemented before 2024, investments will amount... 
Russian Timber Journal 05-2020: how the current decline in exports of timber products caused by COVID-19 is similar to the situation of the 2008-2009 crisis; the Russian Government granted a six-month deferral to priority investment projects in the forest sector; DNS Les started producing OSB in Primorsky region
15 June 2020 ` 11:45
Russian Timber Journal 05-2020: comparing the 2008-2009 crisis with the current decline of forest products exports during the pandemic; in the Russian Far East was opened the first OSB production; the Russian government has granted a six-month deferment to... 
Timber companies of the Arkhangelsk region supported the amendments to the Forest Code
16 April 2020 ` 13:52
The Committee for Forestry, Natural Resources, and Ecology of the Arkhangelsk Regional Parliament prepared a package of proposals on amendments to the RF Forest Code and submitted it to Dmitry Kobylkin, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of... 
In the Far East, an inventory of forests for investment projects is being carried out
9 August 2019 ` 21:00
Far East Investment and Export Agency is conducting an analysis of the state of forests and identifying areas for “forest investments” to launch projects for deep processing of wood. As noted by Deputy Director General Maxim Duz, such... 
Komi implements priority investment projects worth more than 6 billion rubles
29 June 2019 ` 09:45
Acting Minister of investment, industry and transport of the Republic Alexander Remiga told about it at the government hour in the state Council of Komi. In Komi several projects prioritized improvement strategies which work Pechoraenergoresurs, Luzales, Cominvestprom, WHITEYS... 
In the Vologda region, three investment projects for the development of forests are recommended for completion
21 May 2019 ` 17:45
According to Roman Markov, head of the Department of the forest complex of the Vologda region, the company “Nikolsky les” fulfilled its obligations to create capacities for deep processing of wood. The volume of investments in the project... 
Timber companies signed several agreements at the Krasnoyarsk economic forum
27 March 2015 ` 10:43
In the framework of XII Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum, several cooperation agreements have been concluded between the regional Ministry of natural resources and environment and companies implementing investment projects in the region. SP Biva company intends to complete the...