Tag: Arkhbum LLC

Russian Timber Journal 03-2021: interview with Oleg Fokin, Commercial Director of Sudoma Sawmill; markets of South Korea and Japan: prospects for the development of wood pellet exports from Russia; U.S. softwood sawn timber prices unchanged from the previous week; timber exporters from Irkutsk are experiencing difficulties in shipping products to China; investments in the Russian forest industry decreased by 9.8% in 2020
8 April 2021 ` 17:03
Russian Timber Journal 03-2021: Oleg Fokin, Commercial Director of Sudoma Sawmill: “At the moment, Russia does not have enough own production facilities for processing low-grade timber in full”; WhatWood: Russian wood pellet exports outlook to the South Korea and... 
Arkhbum LLC received a new batch of Tikhvin flat wagons
9 March 2021 ` 13:27
The Research and Production Corporation “United Wagon Company” PJSC (RPC UWC) delivered a new batch of flat wagons (40 ft) for the transportation of timber products to Arkhbum LLC. The platforms type 13-6852-02 (40 ft) build up a... 
Based on results of 2020, Arkhbum LLC increased the products transportation by 19.1% using its own wagons
2 February 2021 ` 17:21
In 2020, Arkhbum LLC has increased the products shipment using its own wagons by 19.1% to 4.2 mln tons compared to the same period last year. During this period, 81 thousand of wagons were shipped. At the beginning...