Tag: Vokhtogalesdrev

Russian Timber Journal 01-2025: Interview with Denis Kumirov, Deputy Director General for Raw Material Provision at JSC Volga; Sawn timber production in the global market is reducing for the third year in a row — WhatWood analysis article; Businesses asked to postpone the introduction of FGIS LK by three months; Sveza acquired new assets in the cardboard and paper industry; Kappa Rus purchased Okulovka Paper Mill; VLP Group will invest over 2 billion rubles in upgrading LDK No. 3; Production of plywood in Russia increased by 5.1% in 2024; SFT Group will invest 20 billion rubles in corrugated cardboard production in Adygea; Volga started up PMM6
13 February 2025 ` 16:29
Russian Timber Journal 01-2025: Denis Kumirov, Deputy Director General for Raw Material Provision at JSC Volga: “If our contractors were thinking about further development before, these Key Rate and leasing rate make it virtually impossible to buy anything”; Sawn... 
Record-breaking volumes of laminated particleboard were produced at Vokhtogalesdrev in October 2020
30 November 2020 ` 18:28
In October 2020, Vokhtogalesdrev (Vokhtoga village, Vologda Region) produced 1.2 million m² of laminated particleboard – this is record performance for the company. It is owned by Group Vologodskiye Lesopromyshlenniki and Cherepovets Plywood and Furniture Plant. 
Russian Timber Journal 10-2020: European Union is going to conduct an anti-dumping investigation in relation to birch plywood import from Russia, EU may impose duties; interview with Ilya Korotkov, Director General at Cherepovets Plywood and Furniture Mill; Russia is consistently growing the export of larch sawn timber
20 November 2020 ` 11:19
Russian Timber Journal 10-2020: the European Commission reported the start of the investigation that will determine whether Russian birch plywood import is subject to dumping and whether the European Union industry was harmed; WhatWood Agency had a conversation...