Tag: Vida

Russian Timber Journal 09-2021: Interview with Tapani Kiiski, President and CEO of Raute Corporation; current situation in the roundwood market, industry’s opportunities and restrictions from 2022; Segezha Group agrees to acquire forestry assets in Siberia for $515 million; Ikea expects shortages due to supply-chain crisis until mid-2022; Oktyabrsky LZK is going to invest over 1 billion rubles to build a sawmill in the Irkutsk Region
28 October 2021 ` 15:02
Russian Timber Journal 09-2021: Tapani Kiiski, President and CEO of Raute Corporation: “The Russian market has been among the most important ones for Raute over the past 10 years”; current situation in the roundwood market, industry’s opportunities and restrictions... 
Global timber market review #1-2015
28 January 2015 ` 15:44
Dear colleagues, since 2015, the review of global timber trends will be published on the website in short only. Please consider subscription for the journal in order to get regular updates on the key events of the Russian...