Tag: Solikamskbumprom

Russian Timber Journal 01-2024: Interview with Russ Taylor, President of the international consulting company Russ Taylor Global; Sawmilling market in Russia in 2023: reducing production volumes for the second consecutive year; Suez Canal traffic down 60%; The volume of transported timber grew by 12.9% in 2023; VLP Group may purchase Metsä’s timber assets in Russia; Ufa Plywood Mill is listed for sale for 1 billion rubles; In 2023, timber transportation by the Russian Railways network reduced by 9.1%, down to 37.1 million t; As of January 1, 2024, the VAT rate for children’s furniture is reduced from 20% to 10%; Saint Petersburg R&D Institute levied 1.3 billion rubles from IKEA after it refused to build the Mega Shopping Mall
20 February 2024 ` 19:12
Russian Timber Journal 01-2024: Interview with Russ Taylor, President of the international consulting company Russ Taylor Global; Sawmilling market in Russia in 2023: reducing production volumes for the second consecutive year; Suez Canal traffic down 60%; The volume of transported... 
Solikamskbumprom will install a paper packaging line for 500 million rubles
21 December 2021 ` 18:35
Solikamskbumprom is getting ready to install a process line for transporting and packaging paper rolls. The new equipment will be supplied by Pesmel (Finland). Investments in the project will reach 500 million rubles. Commissioning is scheduled for May... 
Russian Timber Journal 07-2019: Slowdown in Russian economic growth in H1 2019; for 5 months 2019, the EU has reduced the volume of import of pellets; Federal Forestry Agency: timber harvesting in the Russian constituent entities for 10 years; export of parquet from the European Union decreased; CEPI has published statistics on the securities industry for 2018
12 August 2019 ` 10:30
Russian Timber Journal 07-2019: Slowdown in Russian economic growth in H1 2019; for 5 months 2019, the EU has reduced the volume of import of pellets; Federal Forestry Agency: timber harvesting in the Russian constituent entities for 10 years; export... 
Project for the company and the city: JSC “Solikamskbumprom” completes the reconstruction of Solikamskaya HPP
24 February 2019 ` 14:00
JSC Solikamskbumprom finishes the implementation of the large-scale project on reconstruction of the equipment of LLC Solikamskaya Heating Power Plant (HPP). Buildings were erected, modern equipment was installed. About it reports a press-service of the company. To ensure reliable operation... 
Russian Timber Journal №01-2019: the eight-year work of the existing head of Rosleskhoz was assessed as unsatisfactory; WhatWood summarizes the preliminary results of the LPK for 2018; the company “Solikamskbumprom” took a loan of 27 million euros; Segezha Group completed the design of a new pulp and paper mill in the Krasnoyarsk region; prices and volumes of production of LPK in Russia for 4Q 2017-2018
12 February 2019 ` 14:00
Russian Timber Journal №01-2019: summed up the first results of the LPK for 2018; basic prices for round wood and lumber; prices for the products of LPK in Russia for 2017-2018; exchange rates to the US dollar from... 
For the development of its own production JSC “Solikamskbumprom” took 27 million euros in the Black sea trade and development bank
14 January 2019 ` 19:00
Black sea Bank of trade and development (BSTDB) has provided JSC “Solikamskbumprom” the seven-year loan in the amount of 27 million euros. The loan will focus on expanding the capacity and improving the efficiency of production of newsprint,... 
Russian timber industry news #11-2015
18 June 2015 ` 15:23
– At the end of May 2015, several investment agreements were signed at the third economic forum “Vladimir region: local centre of import substitution”, including the one on the construction of an MDF mill in Murom on Siempelkamp... 
Several Russian pulpmills announced falling sales in Jan-Sep 2012
19 November 2012 ` 07:53
Petrozavodsk-Perm-Chita, November 19. Last week, several pulp and paper mills in Russia published quarterly financial reports announcing falling sales in January-September 2012 year-on-year. Kondopoga mill (Karelia) sales declined 4.25% down to 10.07 billion Rubles (€249.7 million). This large... COO of Solikamskbumprom increased his share in the company threefold
5 August 2012 ` 19:27
Chief Operating Officer of Solikamskbumprom Dmitriy Yashin increased his share in the shareholder capital of the company threefold to 0.0065%. If you want to read full article, please subscribe for our Weekly — kb@whatwood.ru