Tag: roundwood exports

Russia exports almost no unprocessed timber
12 April 2023 ` 17:28
In 2022, the volume of roundwood export from Russia dropped by almost 4 times, down to 3.5 million m³. Supplies to China account for 80% of the export volume. Russia has never exported so little unprocessed timber in... 
Russia provided explanations to Finland regarding roundwood haulage by the Saimaa Canal
27 October 2021 ` 20:24
The comment regarding Decree of the Russian Government (which is excluding roundwood haulage stations, specifically the Saimaa Canal, from the list as of November 1, 2021) was given by Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the... 
Government of the Russian Federation left two railway border crossing stations for roundwood export
17 September 2021 ` 19:09
On July 20, 2021, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Decree No. 1225 stipulating the points of crossing the Russian state border for exporting from the Russian territory the commodities classified under commodity item 4403 of the... 
A state company for roundwood export will be established in Russia by the end of 2021
25 May 2021 ` 20:57
Yury Trutnev, Deputy Prime Minister and Presidential Envoy in the Far East, declared that the state company for roundwood export will start operations by the end of 2021. He also announced the plans of creating a working group... 
The RF government to create a state-owned company endowed with the exclusive right to export roundwood
15 March 2021 ` 19:14
That was announced by Yury Trutnev, Deputy Prime Minister, in this interview with Izvestia Newspaper. “We are currently considering the possibility of founding a state-owned company endowed with the exclusive right to export roundwood, i.e. we will leave... 
Mikhail Shamolin: “Stopping roundwood exports will not only increase processing within Russia but also deliver a serious blow to quasi-legal harvesting”
26 November 2020 ` 18:44
Mikhail Shamolin, President and Chairman of the Board at Segezha Group, spoke about the prospects of banning roundwood exports from Russia as of January 1, 2022 in an interview with RBC. “It is undoubtedly a perfectly correct solution...