Tag: Kastamonu

Russian timber industry news #14-15-2016
6 September 2016 ` 02:51
– Egger launched an MDF/HDF production line in the Smolensk region with a capacity of 350,000 m3. It will produce MDF of standard quality and for deep milling (for hypermarket networks selling construction materials and for the furniture... 
Russian timber industry news #12-2016
10 July 2016 ` 12:51
– The Far Eastern company Arkaim is going to open plant for the production of antioxidants from raw wood in bonded zone Xinglong in China’s Changchun. “We plan to process here larch into antioxidants and prebiotics. These products... 
Russian timber industry news #10-2016
3 June 2016 ` 15:53
– The Russian market of laminate flooring in 2016 will remain on the last year’s level. According to the experts of Kastamonu, the total consumption of laminate flooring in 2016 will be about 80 million m2. “The stagnation... 
Russian timber industry news #7/8-2016
11 May 2016 ` 22:44
– Ilim Group has announced the investment of $2 billion in development of its production facilities in the next five years. The company plans to increase annual output by 500 thousand tonnes during this time. – Chinese Hubei... 
Russian timber industry news #4-2016
10 March 2016 ` 01:42
– MDF capacity at the Asino timber industry park (Tomsk region) is ready to launch. Total investments into the project will exceed RUR 32 billion, out of which RUR 20 billion are already invested. – Segezha Group holding... 
Russian timber industry news #23-2015
26 December 2015 ` 00:55
– The ownership of LPK Partner-Tomsk company is transferred to its successor, Latat LLC. As noted by General Director of LPK Partner-Tomsk Viktor Shpilkin, transfer of rights is connected with the owners’ decision to abandon foreign capital. The... 
Russian timber industry news #20-2015
14 November 2015 ` 13:36
– Lesozavod 25 (Sawmill 25) has signed a contract for the supply of Springer and Linck equipment and modernization of the sorting and sawing line at the LDK-3 mill in Arkhangelsk. – The second phase of the Egger... 
Russian timber industry news #19-2015
22 October 2015 ` 17:52
– On 25 September 2015, the opening of the first Russian plant of the German company PERI was held in Noginsk, near Moscow. PERI is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of formwork and scaffolding. The mill will... 
Russian timber industry news #7-2015
20 April 2015 ` 16:01
– ULK Group (Ustyansky sawmill) has announced a new investment project in the Arkhangelsk region. The company plans to build an enterprise for processing thin logs in Ustyansky district. According to Group CEO Vladimir Butorin, the enterprise will... 
Russian timber industry news #5-2015
27 March 2015 ` 10:32
– In St. Petersburg, Finnish company Skaala opened a plant for the production of energy-efficient wooden windows. – In case of state procurement contracts, Russian producers of furniture may count on a 15% preference in price compared to... 
Russian timber industry news #3-2015
26 February 2015 ` 12:57
– Sakhles company has put into operation a Japanese automatic sawing line, which will increase the processing of sawlogs to 36 thousand m3. – Arkhangelsk anti-monopoly body approved the purchase of 70.71% stake in Arkhangelsk LDK-3 by Lesozavod... 
Russian timber industry news #2-2015
10 February 2015 ` 14:03
RusForest announced preliminary 2014 results: sawlog harvesting in Magistralny decreased 10.7% to 278,896 m3, compared with 312,228 m3 in 2013. For large-scale modernization of Arkhangelsk LDK-3, an increase in the allowable cut to 2 million m3 will be...