Tag: GS Group

GS Group announced its plans to invest up to half a billion rubles in the production of packaging from cast paper pulp at First Cardboard Factory
28 August 2020 ` 18:18
GS Group announced its plans to invest up to half a billion rubles in the development of production of packaging from cast paper pulp at First Cardboard Factory (part of Technopolis GS Innovation Cluster, the town of Gusev,... 
Russian Timber Journal 07-2020: small enterprises are mastering OSB production; Russian Government gave new instructions for the development of the timber industry; Viktoria Abramchenko, Russian Deputy Prime Minister, proposes to combine the powers of forestry and timber industry in one federal body
14 August 2020 ` 13:03
Russian Timber Journal 07-2020: small enterprises are mastering OSB production, interview with the head of Rozas LLC, an OSB production newcomer; Russian Government gave new instructions for the development of the timber industry; Viktoria Abramchenko, Russian Deputy Prime... 
Russian timber industry news #17-2015
14 September 2015 ` 22:44
– RusForest announces plans to develop harvesting operations in its Ust-Ilimsk forest lease areas. The company has recently been subcontracting forest lease areas in Ust-Ilimsk for harvesting by third party. While the subcontracted volumes have been successfully increased,... 
GS Group to build finishing mill in Pskov region
22 August 2013 ` 20:33
GS Group, a private international holding originating from Russia, has started construction of a new added-value wood processing factory Sudoma in Pskov region, alongside with opening a tree nursery for two million seedlings. The ground-breaking ceremony took place...