Tag: Forest Code

The bill on digitalization of the forest sector passed through third reading
20 February 2021 ` 19:15
The Russian State Duma adopted the bill On Amendments to the Forest Code and Certain Laws of the Russian Federation for Improving the Legal Regulation of Forestry Affairs in the third reading on January 20, 2021. The main... 
The Constitutional Court put an end to indefinite inclusion in the Bad Faith Forest Users Register
6 November 2020 ` 17:41
Legislators are supposed to introduce amendments to the Forest Code by January 1, 2021, under the ruling by the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court recognized art. 98.1 of the Forest Code (Register of Bad Faith Tenants of Forest... 
Whether to introduce private ownership of the forest
15 May 2020 ` 18:09
The Russian authorities increasingly began to raise the issue of introducing private ownership of the forest. Of course, the issue has not been removed from the agenda since the adoption of the current Forest Code in 2006, and... 
Timber companies of the Arkhangelsk region supported the amendments to the Forest Code
16 April 2020 ` 13:52
The Committee for Forestry, Natural Resources, and Ecology of the Arkhangelsk Regional Parliament prepared a package of proposals on amendments to the RF Forest Code and submitted it to Dmitry Kobylkin, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of... 
Russian Timber Journal №04-2019: In 2018, the world sawn timber trade fell for the first time in five years; analytical study of WhatWood on the market of raw timber in Russia; decline in prices and volumes of trade in sawn timber on world markets; another record of China’s imports of round timber
14 May 2019 ` 14:00
Russian Timber Journal №04-2019: Russian Timber Journal 04-2019: In 2018, the world sawn timber trade fell for the first time in five years; WhatWood’s interview with CEO of RFP Group Dmitry Valtfogel; disbalance between the demand and supply... 
Tyumen region decided to focus on the development of highly profitable wood processing industries
26 April 2019 ` 16:00
In the near future, new mini-pulp and paper mills and corrugated production may appear in Tyumen. A detailed discussion of the potential of the region was held within the framework of the National forest forum-2019 in Tyumen from... 
In 2014, Finland to abolish rotation age for logging
1 May 2013 ` 18:23
Next year, the new Forest Code will come into effect in Finland, which, in particular, involves the abolition of rotation age. Now the project of the document goes public examination. In an interview with Forest portal of Karelia...