Sveza will invest 8.6 billion rubles in deep wood processing projects in the Vologda region
Sveza, a world leader in birch plywood production, will establish new deep wood processing facilities in the Vologda region. The total investment will amount to 8.6 billion rubles. The project has a payback period of 8 years.
A new large-scale project was presented at the Vologda region Governor’s Investment Council. Sveza plans to build a modern sawmill for the production of dry lumber and fuel pellets. Modernization of the plywood production facility is also continuing, with an increase in capacity. In total, more than 200 new jobs will be created in the wood-processing industry (not including the increase in jobs in the logging industry). The project is expected to bring in more than 250 million rubles annually to the region’s consolidated budget.
In order to implement the project, it is planned to assign it the status of a priority in the field of forest development and conclude long-term leases of forest plots located in the Vologda region. The total volume of timber to be harvested is about 1.5 million m³ of annual allowable cut.
Modernization of plywood production, which will allow to increase the volume of production and export deliveries by 52,000 m³ up to 200,000 m³, will be completed this year. The design capacity of the sawmill will be 255,000 m³, the location of production facilities will be chosen by the end of 2021. Production capacity of fuel pellets will be 35,000 tons per year.