Rimbunan Hijau has stopped MDF production and intends to build a sawmill in Khabarovsk region
In 2013, a mill of Rimbunan Hijau Group, located in the Hor community of Khabarovsk region, has stopped production of MDF board due to declining demand and market prices, as Dalnevostochny Kapital wrote.
The enterprise started operations in 2011, but failed to establish steady product marketing. Currently, similar mills in China also work with the load of 50-60%. Product sales are also impacted by high prices associated with heavy production costs.
The company decided to build additional sawmill line to extend the value chain. Lumber waste will be used in the production of MDF. This step will reduce the cost of MDF production by 20%.
Rimbunan Hijau is going to resume production in the next year and now considers the possibility to get additional preferences from the regional government.