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WhatWood Biofuel Germany reports record pellet production in H1 2020

Germany reports record pellet production in H1 2020

3 August 2020 ` 16:06  

Despite the corona crisis, in 1H 2020, Germany produced 1.502 million tonnes of wood pellets, thus breaking a new record.

The German Energy Wood and Pellet Association eV (DEPV) justifies this with the increasing demand for climate-friendly fuel in Germany and abroad paired with a very good raw material base. The German pellet producers reacted to this by expanding and building new plants, especially in the forested low mountain regions. Compared to the same period in the previous year (1.329 million t), the growth was increased again by 173,000 t (13%).

The pellets produced in Germany are in a proportion of 96.6% EN plus A1 certified. Softwood is the main raw material (97.6%).

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