Tag: Volga pulpmill

Russian timber industry news #16-2016
18 September 2016 ` 21:58
– Segezha Group may engage in the production of CLT panels, said the President of the company Sergey Pomelov in an interview with Vedomosti business paper. The group also plans to increase production volumes and reduce costs at... 
Russian timber industry news #10-2016
3 June 2016 ` 15:53
– The Russian market of laminate flooring in 2016 will remain on the last year’s level. According to the experts of Kastamonu, the total consumption of laminate flooring in 2016 will be about 80 million m2. “The stagnation... 
Russian timber industry news #13-2015
19 July 2015 ` 18:07
– By the end of 2014, Volga pulpmill (Balakhna, Nizhny Novgorod region) has produced 494,700 tonnes of newsprint, which is 10.3% less than in 2013. The selling price has increased from 16,305 roubles per tonne in 2013 to... 
Russian timber industry news #11-2015
18 June 2015 ` 15:23
– At the end of May 2015, several investment agreements were signed at the third economic forum “Vladimir region: local centre of import substitution”, including the one on the construction of an MDF mill in Murom on Siempelkamp... 
Russian timber industry news #10-2015
10 June 2015 ` 16:14
– Zabaikalsky region governor Konstantin Ilkovsky has visited the site of priority investment project TsPK Polyarnaya. According to the regional authorities, the project is going on schedule. The project will comprise three stages. – On 18 May 2015,... 
Russian timber industry news #5-2015
27 March 2015 ` 10:32
– In St. Petersburg, Finnish company Skaala opened a plant for the production of energy-efficient wooden windows. – In case of state procurement contracts, Russian producers of furniture may count on a 15% preference in price compared to...