Tag: Sveza Group

Alexey Mordashov declared that timber industry output plummeted by 80%
1 August 2022 ` 18:45
At St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF 2022), Alexey Mordashov, owner of Severgroup that owns Sveza Group, reported a sharp decline of output in his timber business. “Our output volume has taken a nosedive both in the timber... 
TransLes and Sveza Group started implementing a project ensuring raw material deliveries to plywood mills.
2 November 2020 ` 19:43
The project involves fleet integration, joint transport planning and application of contemporary shipping technologies. Cooperation took the form of exclusive service agreements on customer support at all transport stages. This commercial, technical and technological outsourcing of raw materials... 
Russian Timber Journal 06-2020: interview with Thomas Meth, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Enviva Partners; plywood export from Russia demonstrates confident growth; according to Rosleskhoz data, timber harvesting in Russia reduced by 8% in 2019 by final Rosleskhoz data
17 July 2020 ` 15:28
Russian Timber Journal 06-2020: interview with Thomas Meth, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Enviva Partners; plywood export from Russia demonstrates confident growth; according to Rosleskhoz data, timber harvesting in Russia reduced by 8% in 2019... 
Sveza Group launches production of birch plywood with anti-slip coating and embossed hex
1 March 2019 ` 14:00
Sveza Group launches a new product – SVEZA Hexa-birch plywood with anti-slip coating and embossed ” hex ” (regular hexagon). The product is intended for floors of low-tonnage commercial vehicles, as well as warehouses, children’s, sports and concert... 
“Plywood from birch is perceived as a luxury product”. Interview of Anatoly Frishman, General Director of SVEZA Group
16 June 2018 ` 10:48
In constantly changing market conditions, it can be difficult to remain a leader, to increase production capacity and to invest in modern technologies and equipment. How SVEZA Group manages to lead, is the question the correspondent of our... 
Russian Timber Journal 05-2018: exclusive interview with the Director General of Sveza Group about improving the service and distribution system in plywood industry in Russia; announced greenfield investment project overview at St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2018
9 June 2018 ` 15:28
In constantly changing market conditions, it can be difficult to remain a leader, to increase production capacity and to invest in modern technologies and equipment. How SVEZA Group manages to lead, is the question the correspondent of our... 
Russian timber industry news #4-2015
11 March 2015 ` 14:16
– In the autumn of 2015, three new pellet mills delivered by Hekotek will be put into operation in the Irkutsk region. – The EU requested the establishment of a dispute settlement panel at the World Trade Organization...