Tag: quotas

The Government of the Russian Federation set temporary quotas for waste paper exports
29 August 2022 ` 19:12
The Government is introducing temporary quotas for the export of recyclable paper and cardboard (waste paper) that will apply from September 3 to December 3, 2022. The quota will be 30,000 tons. The Ministry of Industry and Trade of... 
As of January 1, 2022, quotas on exporting softwood pulpwood and logs will be cancelled in Russia
22 July 2021 ` 10:29
The Government of the Russian Federation decided to cancel quotas on softwood roundwood exports as of January 1, 2022 that were supposed to encourage the business to create value-added wood processing plants in Russia. This was declared by... 
WhatWood Agency took part in a webinar for forest sector industry at Sberbank Corporate University
22 April 2020 ` 17:01
Marina Zotova, a senior consultant at WhatWood, gave a presentation on “Methods and tools for assessing the raw materials potential of investment projects and timber industry enterprises”. Wood resources market As noted in the report, the strongest decline... 
The Russian Government to slash duties on pulpwood of Far Eastern species to zero and increase export quotas by the end of 2020
13 April 2020 ` 15:48
Yury Trutnev, Deputy Prime Minister and Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District, held a meeting on stimulating the timber industry in the Far East; the meeting took place in Moscow on March 26, 2020. The meeting... 
Russia: the strongest decline in exports of logs since 2008 continues
22 February 2020 ` 13:05
In 2017, the Russian Government introduced quotas and imposed duties on exports of roundwood of Far Eastern species (Government Decrees No. 1521 and No. 1520 dated December 12, 2017). Tariff quotas were introduced for Yezo spruce, Khingan fir,... 
The Ministry of industry and trade has distributed quotas for the export of birch plywood timber for 2019
26 December 2018 ` 15:28
On December 20, 2018, the Ministry of industry and trade distributed the volumes of export quotas for the export of birch plywood timbers outside the EAEU, according to order No. 5118 of 20.12.2018 “on the distribution of quotas... 
Russian Timber Journal 08-2018: WhatWood interview with Sales Director for Russia, CIS and Baltic countries of UPM Plywood Oy, Alexander Totsky; export quotas on birch veneer logs from Russia starting from January 1, 2019
6 September 2018 ` 15:34
Alexander Totsky: “The key to the success of the enterprise on the market is the production of a wide range of demanded types of plywood of consistent high quality”. Russia is a major supplier of birch plywood for... 
Russian Timber Journal 03-2018: Russia reduces logging volumes, introduces quotas for the export of birch veneer logs and tightens requirements for new priority forest investment projects
31 March 2018 ` 13:22
In 2017, the harvesting volume in Russia amounted to 212.4 million m3, which is 0.65% less than in 2016. In the regional context, the greatest decrease in harvesting occurred in the regions of the Volga Federal District (-8%,...