Tag: plywood mill

A new plywood mill to open in the Irkutsk region in 2023
2 April 2021 ` 18:32
Pulp-Nord (Bokhansky district of the Irkutsk region) is going to launch a new plywood mill with a capacity of 18,000 m³ per year. The investments will amount to 203 million rubles. The investment project is supported by the... 
TransLes and Sveza Group started implementing a project ensuring raw material deliveries to plywood mills.
2 November 2020 ` 19:43
The project involves fleet integration, joint transport planning and application of contemporary shipping technologies. Cooperation took the form of exclusive service agreements on customer support at all transport stages. This commercial, technical and technological outsourcing of raw materials... 
Raute receives EUR 55 million order in Russia
20 October 2020 ` 16:24
Raute Corporation has received orders worth approximately EUR 55 million from Russia’s LLC Plitwood. The scope of orders includes all machinery and equipment for the production process of an entire plywood mill and also services related to the...