Tag: Plitspichprom

Russian timber industry news #13-2016
21 July 2016 ` 22:05
– Valmet will deliver a biomass-fired boiler plant and related automation and environmental systems to Segezha pulpmill in the Republic of Karelia, Russia. Equipment delivery is scheduled for 2017. – The head of Buryatia Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn has recently... 
Russian timber industry news #2-2016
10 February 2016 ` 16:40
– At the end of December 2015, Plitspichprom activated the contract with Siempelkamp, which was concluded in 2014, for the supply of a complete particleboard plant including a Generation 8 ContiRoll press. – The Federal Antimonopoly Service of... 
Russian timber industry news #22-2015
26 December 2015 ` 00:52
– On November 14, Sudoma further processing mill was officially opened in Dedovichi area of Pskov region, with a capacity of 61,000 m3. The mill will produce high-quality and eco-friendly building materials (impregnated and heat-treated boards and planed... 
Russian timber industry news #13-2015
19 July 2015 ` 18:07
– By the end of 2014, Volga pulpmill (Balakhna, Nizhny Novgorod region) has produced 494,700 tonnes of newsprint, which is 10.3% less than in 2013. The selling price has increased from 16,305 roubles per tonne in 2013 to... 
Russian timber industry news #11-2015
18 June 2015 ` 15:23
– At the end of May 2015, several investment agreements were signed at the third economic forum “Vladimir region: local centre of import substitution”, including the one on the construction of an MDF mill in Murom on Siempelkamp... 
Russian timber industry news #7-2015
20 April 2015 ` 16:01
– ULK Group (Ustyansky sawmill) has announced a new investment project in the Arkhangelsk region. The company plans to build an enterprise for processing thin logs in Ustyansky district. According to Group CEO Vladimir Butorin, the enterprise will... 
Russian timber industry news #4-2015
11 March 2015 ` 14:16
– In the autumn of 2015, three new pellet mills delivered by Hekotek will be put into operation in the Irkutsk region. – The EU requested the establishment of a dispute settlement panel at the World Trade Organization... 
Russian timber industry news #2-2015
10 February 2015 ` 14:03
RusForest announced preliminary 2014 results: sawlog harvesting in Magistralny decreased 10.7% to 278,896 m3, compared with 312,228 m3 in 2013. For large-scale modernization of Arkhangelsk LDK-3, an increase in the allowable cut to 2 million m3 will be...