Tag: Perm region

Rozas company to invest 260.5 million rubles into OSB production in the Perm region
12 May 2020 ` 17:23
The company Rozas is specializing in timber harvesting and woodworking and ready to invest 260.5 million rubles in the construction of a new line for the production of OSB from deadwood. This will increase the efficiency of processing... 
Kama PPM changed ownership and intends to increase LWC paper output
8 December 2014 ` 20:14
Kama PPM, a former asset of Investlesprom, changed its owners to the Vice-President of PIK Industry Mikhail Tyasto and the top managers of Latvian Irita-Lat, Kommersant business paper reported. The sources of the newspaper believe that the ultimate... 
Kama pulpmill started LWC paper production
13 December 2013 ` 04:13
Kama pulp and paper mill has completed the testing of the line producing light-weight coated paper and started industrial production, Kommersant-Perm paper reported. The company has been testing production since May 2013. During this time, technologists have released... 
Swiss Krono Group signed an agreement on OSB mill construction in Perm region
19 September 2013 ` 00:46
Perm region governor Viktor Basargin announced signing of agreement with Swiss Krono Group on the construction of a woodworking mill, as Kommersant-Perm paper reported. The rated production capacity was increased from initially planned 500 to 600 thousand tonnes... 
Krono Group to invest into chipboard mill in Perm region
10 July 2013 ` 02:55
Perm region authorities and Krono Group hold negotiations on chipboard mill construction, as Kommersant paper reports quoting a source in regional government. Swiss Krono Group owns one mill in Russia, Kronostar in Kostroma region which produced 537,200 m3... 
Pilomaterialy Krasnyi Oktyabr to launch new sawmill line in May 2013
17 January 2013 ` 16:29
Perm, January 17. In May 2013, Pilomaterialy Krasnyi Oktyabr company (Perm region) is going to launch new sawmill line. Investments into the project exceeded 700 million Rubles (€17.4 million) and were mainly funded with state support. Sweden’s Söderhamn... 
Several Russian pulpmills announced falling sales in Jan-Sep 2012
19 November 2012 ` 07:53
Petrozavodsk-Perm-Chita, November 19. Last week, several pulp and paper mills in Russia published quarterly financial reports announcing falling sales in January-September 2012 year-on-year. Kondopoga mill (Karelia) sales declined 4.25% down to 10.07 billion Rubles (€249.7 million). This large...