Tag: PDK Apsheronsk

Russian timber industry news #14-15-2016
6 September 2016 ` 02:51
– Egger launched an MDF/HDF production line in the Smolensk region with a capacity of 350,000 m3. It will produce MDF of standard quality and for deep milling (for hypermarket networks selling construction materials and for the furniture... 
WhatWood: In 2015, competition intensified in the Russian MDF market; prices slipped
10 March 2016 ` 03:06
WhatWood agency has completed the study “The market of solid fibreboard and thin MDF/HDF in Russia in 2014-2015”. According to agency analysts, the output of fibreboard and MDF/HDF in the Russian market in 2014 amounted to 2.5 million... 
Russian timber industry news #1-2016
7 February 2016 ` 19:38
– From 1 January 2016, the Russian government prohibited organizations under the jurisdiction of Turkey or controlled by citizens of Turkey to engage in a whole complex of works and services, including wood processing, construction, architecture and design.... 
Russian timber industry news #7-2015
20 April 2015 ` 16:01
– ULK Group (Ustyansky sawmill) has announced a new investment project in the Arkhangelsk region. The company plans to build an enterprise for processing thin logs in Ustyansky district. According to Group CEO Vladimir Butorin, the enterprise will... 
Russian timber industry news #2-2015
10 February 2015 ` 14:03
RusForest announced preliminary 2014 results: sawlog harvesting in Magistralny decreased 10.7% to 278,896 m3, compared with 312,228 m3 in 2013. For large-scale modernization of Arkhangelsk LDK-3, an increase in the allowable cut to 2 million m3 will be...