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Tag: packaging

New amendments to the legislation will facilitate collection of wastepaper

31 December 2014 ` 03:40  
The State Duma adopted amendments to the federal law “On wastes of production and consumption”, which will greatly facilitate the collection of raw materials for the production of recycled cardboard, according to the League of wastepaper processors (part...

League of wastepaper processors pushes legislative amendments

7 July 2014 ` 14:57  
Director of sales and development of PTsBK group (Perm pulpmill) and president of the League of wastepaper processors Andrey Guryanov took a speech on the activities of the League at the conference “Packaging market of Russia”, held on...

OBF upgraded corrugator at Astrakhan packaging mill

4 September 2013 ` 02:25  
Astrakhan board and packaging mill (belongs to United Paper Mills (OBF) completed a large-scale upgrade of its corrugator. As the managing director of the company Sergey Shevelyov said, the modernization has increased the speed of the unit from...

Global Trends Review, June 24-30, 2013: pellet trade growing but causing controversies; companies choose various strategies to tackle weak demand and wood shortage

3 July 2013 ` 13:16  
600 representatives of the Austrian paper industry took part in a demonstration in Klagenfurt, says Holzkurier quoting The protest in the capital of Austria’s southern province of Carinthia was directed against the planned biomass plant in particular...

Global Trends Review, June 03-09, 2013: surging lumber prices in Japan; growing export wood trade in early 2013; further shift of board & paper capacities

11 June 2013 ` 03:48  
To stop long lasting deflation, Japanese government took monetary easing policy, which depreciated yen’s exchange rate sharply in short time, ITTO reported. The yen/dollar rate was 78 last autumn, now it plunged to 102. Also the yen depreciated...

Global Trends Review, April 22-28, 2013: Challenging conditions for Nordic producers; market forces restructurings

30 April 2013 ` 18:28  
The largest Scandinavian companies posted not very cheerful Q1 results. Setra’s net loss was SEK 27 million, which is on par with Q1 2012 levels. Sales decreased slightly. According to company’s CEO Stefan Lundin, strengthening Swedish krona had...