Tag: investment

Sveza’s plant in St. Petersburg invested 689 million rubles in its investment projects in 2020
2 April 2021 ` 18:38
A significant share of the funds – 591 million rubles – was invested in the construction of a mini CHP plant as well as in the switching of the production processes to steam. The crosscutting site was also... 
Green Bay Packaging begins paper mill production
22 March 2021 ` 14:47
Green Bay Packaging Inc. (GBP), Green Bay, Wisconsin, has announced that the first reel of paper was produced March 11 at its paper mill in Green Bay. The company says this milestone comes two and a half years... 
A waste-free timber enterprise to be built in Tuva (Russia)
18 March 2021 ` 20:22
The investment project is being implemented by Verba LLC. The company will receive a subsidy of 252.5 million rubles from the federal and regional budgets and invest 70 million rubles of its own funds. The timber enterprise with... 
Belarusian sawmill Kimabel to add new sorting line
16 March 2021 ` 12:55
The installation of a new timber sorting line, costing as much €3 million, is the latest step in the modernization of the woodworking enterprise LLC KimaBel in Polotsk District, Vitebsk Oblast, Belta news agency reported. The sophisticated timber... 
New CNC machine has been launched at Sveza mill in St. Petersburg
10 February 2021 ` 19:51
Sveza has put a second CNC machine with programmed numerical control at its mill in St. Petersburg. The new equipment is capable of producing parts of any given configuration from large-format plywood sheets with a thickness of up... 
Sveza installs a new moisture meter in Tyumen
26 January 2021 ` 15:51
The Tyumen mill of Sveza has installed a new moisture meter. Investment in the new measuring equipment amounted to around RUB 8 million. The new equipment can help to prevent parts of the high-moisture veneer from getting to... 
Tilia in Perm to invest 100 million rubles in the production of furniture boards by 2023
14 January 2021 ` 18:52
Tilia LLC (the town of Chernushka, Perm region) is going to invest 100.4 million rubles in the organization of value-added processing of birch timber and the creation of furniture board production by 2023. 68.2 million rubles are supposed... 
Sveza modernized its production facilities in Uralsky
14 January 2021 ` 18:42
The value of investments in the modernization of Sveza’s plant in Uralsky in Q3 2020 amounted to 230 million rubles. 40 million rubles have been invested in the installation of a new press in the second plywood workshop.... 
Furniture boards production to open in the Kaluga region
28 December 2020 ` 17:42
The investment project is being implemented by Lesnoy Soyuz LLC. The enterprise is engaged in timber sawing and planing in the village of Novoslobodsk of the Kaluga region. The Industrial Development Fund (IDF) has approved a loan of... 
Sveza’s investment project in the Vologda region included in the priority list
18 December 2020 ` 18:27
Novator +52 project is included in the list of priority regional investment projects with the provision of tax incentives. It was decided unanimously at the Gubernatorial Investment Council of the Vologda region. The investment project is estimated at... 
Greenwood is going to invest 348 million rubles in organizing wood fiber production in the Sverdlovsk Region
9 November 2020 ` 21:02
A wood processing production site is going to be created in Lesnoy Advanced Development Territory in the Sverdlovsk Region; the investment is estimated at 348 million rubles. The corresponding agreement was signed between Investment Promotion Agency of the... 
Vologdaleskhoz (Vologda Region) reached its design capacity
3 November 2020 ` 18:50
Wood processing capacities to produce 30,000 m3 of sawn timber and moldings have been created at the production site of Totma Forestry Enterprise The project’s investment value was 340 million rubles. A boiler house with 3MW capacity consuming...