Tag: conferences

Conference on biomass to be held on 19 June in St. Petersburg
10 May 2014 ` 13:28
On June 19, 2014, the pavilion 6-2 in the exhibition complex Lenexpo, St. Petersburg, will host a conference “Energy from biomass: boiler-houses and thermal power station on biofuels, the production of pellets, briquettes, and biogas in Russia and... 
Participants of “Foresight: Wooden house-building 2030 gains momentum” to discuss the industry in three sessions
10 May 2014 ` 13:18
The participants of the project “Foresight: Wooden house-building 2030 gains momentum” will gather on 6, 15 and 28 May at three discussion sessions to talk about the frame technology in housing construction, architecture of wooden houses and usage... 
80 ideas of Russian Wood & Timber 2014
15 April 2014 ` 01:46
For the third time already, WhatWood analytic agency has held twitter broadcast from Russian Wood & Timber forum. Traditionally, we have collected the most interesting thoughts expressed at the conference in a summing-up material. Boris Tarasyuk, Investlesprom, Head... 
WhatWood editor will report on Russian wood & timber industry at Global Wood Industry Forum in Guangzhou
15 April 2014 ` 00:51
Wood Guangzhou arrangers announced the list of speakers at the Global Wood Industry Forum 2014 which will be held concurrently with the fair on May 12-14, 2014. WhatWood analytic agency editor Kirill Baranov will report on the Russian... 
State officials to attend Russian Wood & Timber 2014
14 March 2014 ` 17:57
Representatives of the Ministry of natural resources and environment confirmed their participation in the conference Russian Wood & Timber 2014. The forum will be attended by Alexander Mariev (Director of the Department for state policy and regulation in... 
Key topics of PAP-FOR 2014 forum announced
14 March 2014 ` 17:44
The arrangers of PAP-FOR RUSSIA 2014 business forum announced key topics of the conference, which will take place on 28-29 October 2014 at the exhibition center Expoforum (St. Petersburg) within the framework of the XIII International Exhibition PAP-FOR... 
Far Eastern International Forestry Forum to be held in Khabarovsk on April 17-18
3 February 2014 ` 16:07
On 17-18 April 2014, Khabarovsk will host Far Eastern International Forestry Forum “Development strategy for the Far Eastern forestry” with the support of the federal and regional authorities. The event is organized by RESTEC exhibition company. Far Eastern... 
Global Wood, Timber and Pulp & Paper Conferences 2014
20 January 2014 ` 16:08
Click on the image to enlarge it: This infographics presents industry conferences known to WhatWood which seem to be the most valuable for businesses dealing with the Russian timber & PPI market. These events are held mostly apart... 
Preliminary programme and first speakers of Russian Wood & Timber 2014 announced
19 December 2013 ` 13:52
The fifth international conference of Adam Smith Institute “Russian Wood & Timber 2014” will be held on 1-3 April 2014 in InterContinental Tverskaya hotel in Moscow. International “Russian Wood & Timber 2014” conference is the only non-state forestry... 
LesPromInform journal and Infobio agency held conferences at Woodex 2013
5 December 2013 ` 04:14
On 27-28 November 2013, LesPromInform business journal held two conferences dedicated to the markets of OSB and new glued timber products. These events were part of the exhibition Woodex 2013. Poyry specialist Alexey Beschastnov told about the Russian... 
Rapid growth in demand in Asia creates new market for Russian pellets
7 November 2013 ` 04:15
By 2020, the European leaders by the share of biofuels in the energy industry will be Sweden (49%), Latvia (40%) and Finland (38%), such predictions were given at the XV International Forestry Forum held on 8-9 October in... 
25 ideas of PAP-FOR 2013 forum
2 October 2013 ` 04:18
Following the results of PAP-FOR 2013 forum held on September 26 in Skolkovo, WhatWood prepared traditional summing-up material with the most interesting quotes from the conference. Alexey Grigoriev, expert of the analytic centre of the Russian Government: “Now...