Tag: transport

Timber cargo transport volume in Russia grew based on performance over 9 months of 2021
28 December 2021 ` 16:51
According to data from TransLes Analytical Center, the volume of railway transport of roundwood and sawn timber, including container traffic, grew by 4% YoY, up to 33.8 million tons, in January – September 2021. As the rail operator... 
Global timber market review #22/23-2016
31 December 2016 ` 22:21
– Latvijas Finieris Group opens a new birch plywood mill in Kohila (Estonia), launching products with RIGA logo there, Fordaq reported. After two investment phases worth €80 million in total, a world-class birch plywood mill has been created:... 
Russian timber industry news #11-2016
23 June 2016 ` 07:30
– Kiev cardboard and paper mill (Ukraine, belongs to Pulp Mill Holding along with Russia’s Arkhangelsk PPM) became completely independent of the Russian market of wastepaper: over a four-month ban on the wastepaper exports from Russia, the plant... 
Russian timber industry news #3-2016
28 February 2016 ` 16:22
– Investment project of Vologodsky Les LLC worth RUR 800 million has been included in the priority list. The project entails establishment of plywood production in Vologda and woodworking complex in Verhovazhsky district of Vologda region. – Selenga... 
Russian timber industry news #21-2015
27 November 2015 ` 18:20
– RusForest announced preliminary Q3 2015 production and sales results. Sales to the Japanese market grew, and prices increased slightly, however, overall sales volumes of both sawnwood and sawlogs decreased due to sustained unfavorable market conditions in the... 
Global timber market review #21-2015
27 November 2015 ` 18:17
– Södra Wood is going to open sales offices and subsidiaries in the US and China. The Chinese office will be headquartered in Shanghai, the American one – in the southeastern part of the country. – Swedish family-run... 
Global timber market review #20-2015
14 November 2015 ` 13:31
– Market situation leads to downtimes at the Swedish lumber mills. Jarl Timber (a part of Norvik Timber) will cut sawn timber production at its plant in Broakulla from two shifts to one. The mill’s capacity is 110,000... 
Russian timber industry news #18-2015
5 October 2015 ` 13:49
– The Ministry of economic development has decided to ban the export of wastepaper from Russia for four months, as well as to reduce the rate of import duty on coated paper down to 5% for 1.5 years.... 
Global timber market review #4-2015
11 March 2015 ` 13:49
– Germany’s woodworking machinery industry is expecting solid sales growth in 2015, but downturn is expected in Russia. – Raute’s net sales amounted to €94.0 million in 2014, up 13%. – John Deere’s global forestry sales in 2015... 
Russian timber industry news #1-2015
28 January 2015 ` 15:51
-In 2014, Lesozavod 25 increased production of export-grade lumber by 19.36% -RusForest has engaged Hekotek to build a wood pellet plant at the Magistralny sawmill -LesResurs company opened a pellet production in the Irkutsk region -Belozersky forest enterprise... 
Global Trends Review, June 16-29, 2014: New acquisitions and projects in the North American pellet industry; China blocks container shipping alliance
7 July 2014 ` 14:39
RWE Innogy is selling the largest operating US pellet factory, Georgia Biomass in Texas, as Holzkurier reported. The company is going to dispose of biomass assets as non-core business. The mill was launched in May 2011 and has... 
WhatWood: overstocking led to reduction of prices for Russian timber in Egypt
18 June 2014 ` 13:49
Overstocking of the port of Alexandria with large volumes of sawn timber in June led to price cuts in the Egyptian market, as the representatives of large exporting sawmills in the European part of Russia told WhatWood. After...