Tag: Tomsk region

Russian timber industry news #2-2015
10 February 2015 ` 14:03
RusForest announced preliminary 2014 results: sawlog harvesting in Magistralny decreased 10.7% to 278,896 m3, compared with 312,228 m3 in 2013. For large-scale modernization of Arkhangelsk LDK-3, an increase in the allowable cut to 2 million m3 will be... 
New forest department directors appointed in Tomsk and Arkhangelsk
27 November 2012 ` 20:48
Tomsk-Arkhangelsk, November 27. Vladimir Zablotskiy has been appointed head of the forestry department in Tomsk region, as regional press service reported. Vladimir Zablotskiy was born in 1955 in Altai region. He graduated from Siberia Technological Institute in Krasnoyarsk...