Tag: Russian Timber Group

Russian timber industry news #11-2016
23 June 2016 ` 07:30
– Kiev cardboard and paper mill (Ukraine, belongs to Pulp Mill Holding along with Russia’s Arkhangelsk PPM) became completely independent of the Russian market of wastepaper: over a four-month ban on the wastepaper exports from Russia, the plant... 
Russian timber industry news #9-2015
4 June 2015 ` 00:22
– LesInvest and Russian Timber Group signed a cooperation agreement, under which will work together to attract investments to Russia, develop technologies and organizational solutions, designed to improve the competitiveness of enterprises, and cooperate in solving environmental problems.... 
Russian timber industry news #7-2015
20 April 2015 ` 16:01
– ULK Group (Ustyansky sawmill) has announced a new investment project in the Arkhangelsk region. The company plans to build an enterprise for processing thin logs in Ustyansky district. According to Group CEO Vladimir Butorin, the enterprise will... 
Russian timber industry news #3-2015
26 February 2015 ` 12:57
– Sakhles company has put into operation a Japanese automatic sawing line, which will increase the processing of sawlogs to 36 thousand m3. – Arkhangelsk anti-monopoly body approved the purchase of 70.71% stake in Arkhangelsk LDK-3 by Lesozavod... 
Russian Timber Group to build a 95,000 t pellet mill
24 May 2014 ` 19:30
Russian Timber Group plans the construction of a plant for pellet production with capacity of 95 thousand tonnes per year in the village of Novaya Igirma (Irkutsk region). Pellet plant will be built on the existing site of... 
Russian Timber Group to reach maximum capacity at its mills
4 September 2013 ` 02:23
Russian Timber Group intends to increase productivity of its mills through optimization of some processes. Modernization project was developed by an American consulting company specializing in the management and optimization of production processes in the wood industry which... 
Russian Timber Group doubled lumber sales in the first half-year
5 August 2013 ` 06:10
Following the results of the first half of 2013, lumber sales at Russian Timber Group mills increased twice compared to a year-ago period. Within the last four months, SEL-Trade, the company which markets group’s products, was supplying steadily...