Tag: Perm pulpmill

Russian timber industry news #21-2015
27 November 2015 ` 18:20
– RusForest announced preliminary Q3 2015 production and sales results. Sales to the Japanese market grew, and prices increased slightly, however, overall sales volumes of both sawnwood and sawlogs decreased due to sustained unfavorable market conditions in the... 
Russian timber industry news #18-2015
5 October 2015 ` 13:49
– The Ministry of economic development has decided to ban the export of wastepaper from Russia for four months, as well as to reduce the rate of import duty on coated paper down to 5% for 1.5 years.... 
Russian timber industry news #3-2015
26 February 2015 ` 12:57
– Sakhles company has put into operation a Japanese automatic sawing line, which will increase the processing of sawlogs to 36 thousand m3. – Arkhangelsk anti-monopoly body approved the purchase of 70.71% stake in Arkhangelsk LDK-3 by Lesozavod... 
League of wastepaper processors pushes legislative amendments
7 July 2014 ` 14:57
Director of sales and development of PTsBK group (Perm pulpmill) and president of the League of wastepaper processors Andrey Guryanov took a speech on the activities of the League at the conference “Packaging market of Russia”, held on... 
Perm pulpmill group: Containerboard market in Russia is close to saturation
10 June 2014 ` 02:41
The total output of Russian containerboard in 2013 amounted, according to the Perm pulpmill group (PTsBK), to 3.094 million tonnes (+8.7% on 2012), and the increase is almost entirely provided by recycled grades. The production of virgin-fibre board... 
Perm pulpmill started production of grease-proof cardboard
2 August 2013 ` 06:12
PTsBK Group started production of a grade which does not have analogues on the Russian corrugated packaging market and, according to the company, will become additional growth point for the whole industry. Perm pulpmill produced first test party...