Tag: Kondopoga PPM

Russian timber industry news #17-2016
3 October 2016 ` 11:20
– Karelia Pulp has officially announced its intention to redeem Kondopoga pulpmill at the auction, which presumably will take place in the spring of 2017. “Through our own investments, we have consolidated more than 50% of debts of... 
Russian timber industry news #4-2015
11 March 2015 ` 14:16
– In the autumn of 2015, three new pellet mills delivered by Hekotek will be put into operation in the Irkutsk region. – The EU requested the establishment of a dispute settlement panel at the World Trade Organization... 
Russian timber industry news #2-2015
10 February 2015 ` 14:03
RusForest announced preliminary 2014 results: sawlog harvesting in Magistralny decreased 10.7% to 278,896 m3, compared with 312,228 m3 in 2013. For large-scale modernization of Arkhangelsk LDK-3, an increase in the allowable cut to 2 million m3 will be...