Tag: Irkutsk region

Igirma lumber mill to reach rated capacity in 2013
6 June 2013 ` 05:07
Irkutsk region governor Sergei Yeroschenko visited Igirma sawmill on May 27 where priority investment project is being implemented. According to deputy CEO of the mill Viktor Mukorez, in 2013 Igirma mill is to reach full capacity. The company... 
Baikal pulpmill set on bankruptcy administration and received €11.4 million VEB’s credit
28 December 2012 ` 08:29
Irkutsk, December 28. Arbitration court set bankruptcy administration at Baikal pulpmill until June 05, 2013 following the request of the external administrator. The mill is bankrupted, and Aleksandr Ivanov is appointed its insolvency administrator. At the court session,...