Tag: German Pellets

Global timber market review #9-2016
27 May 2016 ` 11:34
– On May 1, insolvency proceedings on the bankrupt German Pellets Group were opened. The company is now managed by insolvency administrator, and its mills are gradually acquired by various investors. – A trial is underway at the... 
Global timber market review #3-2016
28 February 2016 ` 16:18
– The decline in Canada’s sawnwood exports to China has turned sawmills to look for alternative export markets. Possible candidates to make up for the weak low-grade lumber market in China are South Korea, Japan, India and other... 
Global timber market review #23-2015
26 December 2015 ` 00:53
– In September, Canadian lumber production increased 5.2% from August up to 5563.5 thousand cubic metres. – In the upcoming years, Danzer will invest approximately €15 million in technologies to increase resource efficiency in hardwood production. Danzer plants... 
Russian timber industry news #21-2015
27 November 2015 ` 18:20
– RusForest announced preliminary Q3 2015 production and sales results. Sales to the Japanese market grew, and prices increased slightly, however, overall sales volumes of both sawnwood and sawlogs decreased due to sustained unfavorable market conditions in the... 
Global Trends Review, October 20 – November 02, 2014: global lumber outlook by the International Softwood Conference speakers
10 November 2014 ` 21:20
The sawmill industry feels very different by the two sides of the Atlantic: while North American producers report a good year, European sawmillers are preparing for possible prolonged Holiday season stoppages and maintenance works due to overproduction and... 
Global Trends Review, August 25 – September 07, 2014: Heavy fall of Japanese timber imports registered in Q2 2014; one more large EU pellet supplier will appear in the US
12 September 2014 ` 14:50
In the first half-year, Austria exported 3% less laminated wood products, which is 566,000 m3, Holzkurier reported. This decrease is primarily due to heavy losses in Japan. Exports to the Far Eastern market plunged by 38% to 80,500... 
German Pellets might build a 0.5 million t pellet mill in Nizhny Novgorod region
20 December 2013 ` 12:40
Nizhny Novgorod region governor Valery Shantsev and Financial Director of German Pellets Hans-Dietrich Alt signed a protocol of intent: the German company intends to invest about €170-200 million in a biofuel plant with capacity of 500,000 tonnes of... Global Trends Review, June 24-30, 2013: pellet trade growing but causing controversies; companies choose various strategies to tackle weak demand and wood shortage
3 July 2013 ` 13:16
600 representatives of the Austrian paper industry took part in a demonstration in Klagenfurt, says Holzkurier quoting orf.at. The protest in the capital of Austria’s southern province of Carinthia was directed against the planned biomass plant in particular... Global Trends Review, April 15-21, 2013: New products for the recovering construction industry
23 April 2013 ` 15:52
The spring forecast by the Pellervo Economic Research Institute (PTT) in Finland predicts rising softwood lumber exports and higher selling prices for 2013, EUWID Wood reported. The profitability of the Finnish sawmilling industry is expected to ameliorate generally....