Tag: forest lease

Sveza has increased its forest lease by more than a third in 2020
29 January 2021 ` 11:52
Sveza Group continues to work on its own logging program. On investment terms, in 2020 the Company received a long-term lease for three plots in the Kostroma region and Perm region with a total area of 184 thousand hectares,... 
Whether to introduce private ownership of the forest
15 May 2020 ` 18:09
The Russian authorities increasingly began to raise the issue of introducing private ownership of the forest. Of course, the issue has not been removed from the agenda since the adoption of the current Forest Code in 2006, and... 
Rent payments for forest resources in Russia may grow since 2015
1 September 2014 ` 20:00
Given the favourable market conditions, the Russian Forest Service intends to hike forest rent in order to increase the profitability of forestry, as Russian Forestry News reported. In 2009-2014, these rates remained unchanged. The draft resolution provides for...