Tag: Dmitry Kobylkin

The Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia and the Federal Forestry Agency have prepared a draft “Development Strategy for the Forestry Complex of the Russian Federation until 2030”
14 July 2020 ` 18:15
Now the All-Russian Research Institute of Environmental Protection (FSBI “VNII Ecology”) is working on the preparation of proposals for the Strategy. With the support of the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation D.N. Kobylkin,... 
Why Russia can not refuse to export round timber
14 May 2020 ` 18:04
The Russian Government has set a target indicator: by 2024 Russian forest industry exports should reach $ 17 billion ($ 12.3 billion by the end of 2019). Under these conditions, the question of the introduction of lumber duties... 
Timber companies of the Arkhangelsk region supported the amendments to the Forest Code
16 April 2020 ` 13:52
The Committee for Forestry, Natural Resources, and Ecology of the Arkhangelsk Regional Parliament prepared a package of proposals on amendments to the RF Forest Code and submitted it to Dmitry Kobylkin, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of... 
In 2019, Federal funding for the execution of powers in the field of forest resources in the Novgorod region increased by a third
23 January 2019 ` 16:00
According to the press service of the Ministry of natural resources and ecology, Federal funding for the execution of powers in the field of forest resources for 2019 in the Novgorod region compared to 2018 increased by a...