Tag: bill

The Russian government considered a bill banning incomplete and periodic timber customs declarations
25 January 2021 ` 19:38
As a ministerial decree (No. 724), this ban was introduced earlier – on May 21, 2020. The so-called “temporary periodic customs declaration of goods” of this group, i.e. submission of first a temporary customs declaration with fragmentary data,... 
The State Duma was submitted a law-in-draft on a long-term moratorium on raw timber exports until December 1, 2035
15 March 2019 ` 07:21
Raw timber exports as this would contradict with the rules of the World Trade Organization as well as of the international treaties of the Russian Federation, but a ban on harvesting for exports. It is proposed to amend... 
The head of the Federal forestry Agency Ivan Valentik: “Combating illegal harvesting and trafficking of wood – coordinated work of the Federal forestry agency,Ministry of internal affairs, Federal customs service and the entire law enforcement system of the Russian Federation”
15 February 2019 ` 14:00
Yesterday, February 14, 2019, at a plenary meeting of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation by deputies in the first reading was unanimously adopted the draft Federal law “On introducing amendments to Russian... 
The Ministry of natural resources of Russia tightens control over the appointment of sanitary cuttings. The bill provides for an increase in fines for officials
6 February 2019 ` 16:00
The developed amendments to the Code of administrative offences of the Russian Federation relate to the establishment of administrative liability for the concealment of information about the sanitary and forest pathology or the inclusion of inaccurate information about...