Tag: Asia-Les

VEB.RF sues the majority owner of Asia Les LLC
6 May 2020 ` 11:14
The Arbitration Court of the Khabarovsk region will entertain the lawsuit of VEB.RF state corporation against the international trading company Songling (Suifenhe) on enforcement of pledge on July 2, 2020. A 99.96% share of Asia Les LLC (sawn timber... 
Russian timber industry news #16-2016
18 September 2016 ` 21:58
– Segezha Group may engage in the production of CLT panels, said the President of the company Sergey Pomelov in an interview with Vedomosti business paper. The group also plans to increase production volumes and reduce costs at... 
Russian timber industry news #14-2015
30 July 2015 ` 15:42
– In January-June 2015, Lesozavod 25 increased processing of sawlogs by 6.8% to 558,000 m3. – The Swedish company Valutec is currently carrying out the final stage of 11 drying kilns delivery for the Russian enterprise “Asia-Les” based... 
Asia-Les to build a pellet line in Khabarovsk region
12 September 2014 ` 15:06
Asia-Les sawmill in Khabarovsk region will start production of pellets from sawmill wastes with a capacity of 70,000 tonnes by 2015. The company will also install a biofuel cogeneration CHP with electrical capacity of 4.5 MW and thermal...