Tag: Adam Smith Conferences

80 ideas of Russian Wood & Timber 2014
15 April 2014 ` 01:46
For the third time already, WhatWood analytic agency has held twitter broadcast from Russian Wood & Timber forum. Traditionally, we have collected the most interesting thoughts expressed at the conference in a summing-up material. Boris Tarasyuk, Investlesprom, Head... 
State officials to attend Russian Wood & Timber 2014
14 March 2014 ` 17:57
Representatives of the Ministry of natural resources and environment confirmed their participation in the conference Russian Wood & Timber 2014. The forum will be attended by Alexander Mariev (Director of the Department for state policy and regulation in... 
Global Wood, Timber and Pulp & Paper Conferences 2014
20 January 2014 ` 16:08
Click on the image to enlarge it: This infographics presents industry conferences known to WhatWood which seem to be the most valuable for businesses dealing with the Russian timber & PPI market. These events are held mostly apart... 
Preliminary programme and first speakers of Russian Wood & Timber 2014 announced
19 December 2013 ` 13:52
The fifth international conference of Adam Smith Institute “Russian Wood & Timber 2014” will be held on 1-3 April 2014 in InterContinental Tverskaya hotel in Moscow. International “Russian Wood & Timber 2014” conference is the only non-state forestry... 
50 insights from Russian Wood & Timber 2013 conference
28 March 2013 ` 05:10
WhatWood News & Analytics collected a range of ideas and thoughts expressed at Russian Wood & Timber 2013 conference held on March 19-21 in Moscow – from analytic outlooks to expert opinions and ideas to boost profitability of... 
Detailed list of speakers at Russian Wood & Timber 2013 published
4 March 2013 ` 04:32
Moscow, March 04. Arrangers of Russian Wood & Timber 2013 conference have published the detailed list of speakers at the forum. This year the programme of the forum underwent considerable changes. The first day will be a Wood &... 
Moscow to host Russian Wood & Timber 2013
21 January 2013 ` 15:29
Moscow, January 21. 4th International Adam Smith Conference Russian Wood & Timber 2013 will be held on March 19-21, 2013, in Baltschug Kempinski Hotel in Moscow. Official program of the event is already published at the event’s website.... 
Pulp & paper companies prepared amendments to the draft Forest Policy at the Adam Smith Conference in Vienna
21 December 2012 ` 12:00
Vienna, December 21. Austria’s capital hosted 17th Adam Smith Conference “Pulp & Paper in Russia and CIS” in early December. Following the results of it, a workgroup will prepare a Resolution of the conference and send it to...