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WhatWood investments HAYAT Russia invested 178 million rubles in its production sites in Russia

HAYAT Russia invested 178 million rubles in its production sites in Russia

27 November 2024 ` 12:50  

HAYAT Russia (a branch of the transnational company Hayat) announced the expansion of its production facilities at enterprises in the Kaluga Region and Tatarstan. The total value of investments in these projects reached 178 million rubles.

In October 2024, a new automated line producing Familia and Focus paper tissues opened at the company’s plant in the Alabuga Special Economic Zone. At the same time, the HAYAT Russia plant in Kaluga operating in the Kaluga Special Economic Zone started making Z-folded paper towels under the Focus brand for industrial applications. All products are made of 100% natural wood pulp purchased from Russian suppliers.

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