About 30 billion rubles are invested in the only in Russia production of three-layer cardboard boxes of the international brand FBB at ”Kama”
In the Perm region will be launched in 2020, Russia’s only production of three-layer cardboard box international brand FBB.
The beginning of import-substituting production of cardboard at the pulp and paper mill (pulp and paper mill) “Kama” in Krasnokamsk was planned for the third quarter of 2019. However, the investor suspended the financing of the project, which postponed the deadline, as the representative of the Ministry of industry, entrepreneurship, and trade of the region told TASS.
“The company is actively working to eliminate the backlog from the project schedule. The first stage of the project – the creation of import-substituting production of bleached chemical – thermomechanical mass-is planned to be launched in early 2020. Currently, the Bank “FC OTKRITIE” resumed financing of the project to establish the production of cardboard boxes FBB. In the third quarter of 2018, more than 600 million rubles were transferred, the funds were used to pay for the supply of production equipment,” the representative of the Ministry of industry and trade of the region said.
According to the Ministry, construction and installation works are now suspended due to seasonality and will resume in April 2019.
“At the moment, the project has completed all the design work, received a positive conclusion of the state examination. At the production site, excavation works and installation of piles for workshops were carried out, 38 new jobs were created,” the representative of the Ministry of industry and trade added.
The total investment in the project will be about 30 billion rubles, of which about 30% – the funds of the shareholders of the enterprise and 70% – the credit resource.
It is planned that the company will produce 220 thousand tons of cardboard per year and create 400 new jobs with an average salary of about 45 thousand rubles. According to the Central Bank, the new production will replace up to 25% of imports.
Kama pulp and paper mill is one of the highest – tech enterprises in the pulp and paper industry. Here for the first time in Russia was built production of light-coated paper. The production capacity of the enterprise is 85 thousand tons of paper per year.
