Tag: woodworking shop

Investment project to create a new woodworking shop is being implemented in Bashkortostan
9 March 2019 ` 16:00
This was reported by the press service of the head of Bashkortostan Radiy Khabirov on March 01, 2019. In the village of Aleksandrovka Karaidel district LLC “Luch” implements an investment project for wood processing. The new workshop will... 
The Ministry of industry and trade of Russia recognized the completed implementation of the investment project SAU forestry VO ”Vologdaleskhoz”
2 February 2019 ` 19:00
By the order of the Ministry of industry and trade of Russia dated 25.01.2009 № 182 the priority investment project in the field of forest development of SAU forestry VO “Vologdaleskhoz” for the organization of logging, sawmilling and...