Tag: tropical sawnwood

EU27 tropical sawnwood imports fall 16%
11 March 2021 ` 18:11
In quantity terms, EU27 imports of tropical sawnwood declined 16% to 726,200 m³ in the first eleven months of 2020. Imports fell sharply from all major supply countries; down 18% from Cameroon to 257,700 m³, 13% from Brazil... 
Implications of Brexit on demand for tropical wood in the UK
5 February 2021 ` 18:04
The long term effects of Brexit on UK imports of tropical wood products are still far from certain. At present, even the short term effects are obscured by the unprecedented disruption to supply chains, shipping operations and markets... 
Slight rise in China’s tropical sawnwood import volume
10 November 2020 ` 18:36
Of total sawn hardwood imports, China’s tropical sawnwood imports accounted for 2.99 million cubic metres (18% of all sawn hardwood imports) in 1H 2020, up by 2% YoY. The value of these imports was $942 million, down by... 
EU27 tropical sawnwood imports down sharply from all major supply countries
6 November 2020 ` 17:30
EU27 imports of tropical sawnwood declined sharply from all major supply countries in the first eight months of 2020; down 17% YoY from Cameroon to 182,500 m³, 24% YoY from Brazil to 82,200 m³, 16% YoY from Gabon to 67,900...